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Revolutionise community experience with verifiable data & analytics

Get a unique 360° view of your members with quantified and verified trust and reputation data. Create gamified and tailored experiences based on community insights to keep your community thriving.

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Robust analytics & insights. Understand your community.

Build gamified & tailored experiences. Increase growth.

Create reward & loyalty programs. Keep engagement up.

REAL growth and engagement

Generate unique consent-based data for community insights and act on it to deliver seamless user experiences and reputation based rewards.

Insights & analytics

Understand your community’s behaviour and activities to optimise growth.

Gamify marketing & community

Implement gamification that keeps your community active and thriving.

Quantifiable & verifiable data

Add trust and reputation data to your analytics for better decision making.

Revolutionise your community today

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Return of Investment that is easy to understand

Creds (technical name; verifiable credentials) make trust and reputation verifiable linking various profiles (your social media data) into one. Creds can represent any activity, from reading a newsletter, to attending a webinar, to completing a learning journey, and more… 

Easily generate data (that you wouldn’t get anywhere else) to be used for gamification and to create loyalty programs that work with Creds. Gain insights from verifiable community data to improve marketing and community decisions.

Your members build a portable reputation, get rewards (financial or not), opportunities, exclusivity, and more, in a fun and engaging way. Get creative with ways for your community to collect Creds, driving more unique, consented data.

“This service has completely transformed the way we do business. Highly recommended!”
Avery McMillan
CEO, Tech Innovators

More than community analytics and insights. Build revenue streams around memberships and exclusivity

Build memberships, create exclusivity, and generate revenue with paid creds.


Segment your community and create memberships.

Tiers and Leaderboards

Create exclusive reward programs for your real active and valuable members

Generate revenue

Unveil new revenue streams with memberships and paid creds.

Accelerate your brand growth with 360° verified community data